“[God] will reveal Himself to every soul who will come to Him in all humility and seek Him with the whole heart.”—Fundamentals of Christian Education, p. 531.
Sabbath School July 4, 2020
Song Service & Thanks Giving
Anne Bellefluer / Toni Warner .
Opening Hymn
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Opening Prayer
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Scripture Reading
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Antoine Warner.
Review Lesson
Patrick Belleufluer .
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Closing Hymn
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Closing Prayer
Divine Service July 4, 2020
Silent Prayer
Congregation Stands..
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Opening Hymn
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Scripture Reading
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Opening Prayer & Welcome
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Tithe & Offerings
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Children's Story
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Special Music
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Nehemiah Chang
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Closing Hymn
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Closing Prayer
Nehemiah Chang . .
Benediction Meditation
“As we now this place depart,
Refreshed, revived, and renewed.
May Your Spirit fill each heart
Let us seek Your will to do.”
The members of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Atlanta Church welcome you. We want you to feel at home while you worship with us and receive the Sabbath blessings. Please don't hesitate to ask if we can assist you in any way. We would like to invite you to join us in the fellowship hall for a good vegan meal after the Divine Service (except 1st Sabbath). We look forward to meeting you again.
Prayer Requests
*"Pray Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic"
*Our church family
*Our visitors
*All that attended our concert
*The kids who attended VBS
*Wednesday and Thursday Prayer Meeting
*For the healing of our member who are ill, Sr. Selena Paige.
*Sidney Kimbruough